Monday, March 06, 2006

Residency visa, take 2

Woohoo! My passport came back yesterday with my UAE residency visa. Gypsy Boy had to get his residency visa first, then sponsor me [the unemployed one!].

Everyone applying for a UAE residency visa needs to go through a blood test and chest x-ray. This is a routine check for AIDS and TB. Being no exception, we trucked up to the hospital last weekend to get the test and x-ray where there were hundreds [no exaggeration] of men queuing up to do the same. Thanks to 'women's queues' though, I was ushered straight up to the counter and served immediately!

It's only taken 3 months to get my residency visa done, not bad really considering another couple I know were living in Dubai for 13 months and it took 12 months to get theirs done!

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