Coming soon: street names
So the rumour is we might actually get an address sometime in the future. The Dubai Municipality and the Road and Transport Authority plan to give streets names so that mail can actually be delivered to ones doorstep.
Believe it or not, at the moment there is no real address system and all post is delivered to PO Boxes. We had fun and games when we first arrived, unfamiliar with the city, trying to find specific locations of shops or offices. We had to get directions marked by landmarks and disclosing our home "address" to date is quite amusing! It's not unusual to find sections on forms where you draw out a map of the location of your home to aid delivery of furniture etc!
I digress. According to the article in the paper today, "each building will have a sign displaying the building number, street numer and community number". At this stage though, it looks like plans for this scheme will only be finalised by the end of the year. Alas, I await our street address with bated breath.
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