Wednesday, May 30, 2007


It's a BOY! It's a BOY! It's a BOY!

We had the morphology scan over the weekend, and we were so happy to find out that all is well. To celebrate, we had ice-cream at Swensens before heading to Babyshop to buy a carseat, a pram and some clothes for BabyG.


Anonymous said...

A BOY! A BOY! Oh boy! Congratulations for your baby boy!!! *hugssss*

Johnny Depp would be a good name for a baby boy ... hehehehe

GYPSY GIRL said...

Thanks Rinaz!!

Actually I wanted and thought all along BabyG was a girl, but I know a boy will be just as cool!

Johnny Depp? Haha, I love the actor, but I'm not so sure we'll be calling BabyG that!!! :-)

Milky Marmalade said...

Welcome to the club, he he! I wanted my firstborn to be a girl too. But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter as long as it's a healthy baby.

My only gripe about having a boy is shopping for their clothes. It's boring! Baby girl stuff . . .soooo lovely!

Jean said...

Let the shopping begin!

I have heard true stories, though, of boys turning out to be girls at birth and vice versa...sometimes scans aren't all that accurate for gender.

GYPSY GIRL said...

Thanks I totally agree. Having a healthy baby is the most important.

LOL. I know what you mean about clothes too. I was really looking forward to getting some of those gorgeous little dresses for a lil girl. Oh well, boy stuff will have to do.

JOY said...

A boy - how wonderful!!!!

At least knowing the sex means that you can be organised for his arrival and start thinking of names.

I am thrilled to bits for you both and think about you often.

Many Congratulations!! A little Gypsy Boy Junior - if he is like his Dad you will be very blessed.

lissa said...

congratulations in finding out the sex of your baby. We were anticipating a girl as well but found out we're having a boy. Nonetheless, we are happy. =)