Thursday, March 22, 2007

Warm Fuzzies.

I just received a really nice phone call from one of the lead editors of the publishing company I just completed a job for. I know it's been absolutely frantic at that office as they have five new travel guides going to print this week, and she still took the time to call me and give me feedback on my work.

I usually make it a point to ask for feedback after a job completed, as I think it's a valuable learning opportunity - even if it's just learning the preference in working style of an individual. Anyway before I'd even asked, the feedback I got today was all positive, in fact it's the nicest feedback I've received [work-related] in a long time.

*Sigh* It really made me want to go back to working full-time again.


JOY said...

Good for you on the job front.

Surely you aren't thinking of working full time Gypsy Girl!

You should be relaxing and enjoying the sunshine!

GYPSY GIRL said...

Thanks Joy!

I do miss working, but I guess I've got it both ways now with being able to work from home from time to time.

For now, I'll take your advice :-)

Jean said...

It's nice when clients appreciate your work, isn't it. But on the flipside, some can be pretty hard to deal with as well.

GYPSY GIRL said...

Jean, I couldn't agree more with you! It's interesting to observe how the dynamics change depending on the culture of the firm, the cultural background, and even the gender of the individual one is working with - I guess it just shows how differently we all relate to one another.

Anonymous said...

Hey GG, glad to hear that you're being appreciated for your work - and congratulations on completing the Arabic course... salam salam (does that mean anything? ;)

Anonymous said...

Why not actually go full time? Is it because of the work permit issues?

GYPSY GIRL said...

Matty - thanks! I believe Salam means peace...

Marina - I'm not working full-time now for a combination of reasons really, but no work permit is not one of them. I'm legally able to work in Dubai. I know I complain but really, I am happy to be working from home. It gives me lots of flexibility to work when I want to and I don't even have to leave the house! :-)